Sunday, October 28, 2012


We've been wanting to write this post for the past 30 minutes, but we're in that
"lets clap and dance crazily to celtic sounding music all inspirationally"
kind of mood. But we've finally buckled down and got these first few sentences written. We have decided to change the direction of our blog just a tad bit.  We realized that it is quite hard to come up with something funny every week. Other people have such talent, but not us, not us.  So in conclusion, we will post whatever we feel, whenever we feel it's appropriate.  No more schedule, no more forgetting, no more nonsense. Now, YOU'VE TAKEN UP ENOUGH OF OUR TIME, LET US DANCE.

Roni + Raina
Here's your song
Can we please just be in that crowd of clapping, dancing people?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cry Just a Little

*Happy Thursday!
*Fun Fact: My father just told me that my family traces back to a viking who helped invade and conquer Britain. Crazy, no? My hair is quite wild.. and now I understand-and accept-that... it is the viking in me.
*On another subject, today in math class, my teacher was anouncing our weekend assignment. She said, " Your homework will be due on MONDAY EVERYONE, MONDAY. Unless, of course we don't have school." Everyone then started asking why, and she explained, " ...because of the hurricane." I was shocked, and so were the rest of my classmates.
"Yes, class. A hurricane has b-" "- A HURRICANE?!" "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"
" If you all will be quiet, I will explain!" Everyone got silent. " A hurricane seems to be heading towards northern Virginia."
...and then, a tiny whisper from the back:
I'm guessing he was happy that we might not have school? I think everyone else was more scared about the hurricane rather than happy about the possibility of a day off. I like storms so I was with the tiny voice guy.
*My mother is making tacos for dinner tonight.
*My puppies just [half] learned how to sit!
*TWO Halloween parties this weekend!

'til next week,

P.S. Here's a fun song for ya'. :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Finding the Humor in Mondays

Okay, so Roni's right, we haven't posted in a while, yadda yadda.  My excuse is AP World History.  Buuuut, let's get to this post and stop worrying about the past, eh?;)  

Well, today's Monday, and let's face it, it's pretty boring.  But I discovered a new little trick for the Monday blues: to find one funny thing each day that most people normally wouldn't see.  Since I had a particularly boring weekend and boring day, I gave myself the challenge of finding two things. Here they are!

1) I saw a couple walking in the hall, and the two were practically identical.  Creepy? Yes. Hilarious? Again, yes.

2) I saw a little boy chasing an older boy around the halls at my orchestra practice, and they also (weirdly enough) looked like twins, too. 

So there ya go!:)


P.S. I've noticed that my posts are more picture-y than Roni's, which means more exciting.  Muahahaha >:D