Monday, August 27, 2012

Our Movie

A lot of friendships have a favorite movie that they always watch at sleepovers or whenever they are together.  Our movie happens to be the best movie ever... *drumroll* ...Fantastic Mr. Fox!  This movie is seriously so hilarious.  We've watched it a million times and it never gets old, never.  Beware, though, this movie is only for people with a certain sense of humor.  We watched it at Roni's birthday party, and while we were laughing our hindquarters off, the others were just sitting there with blank expressions on their faces.

Our favorite characters:

Kylie the opposum.

 Petey. We love Petey. He's a sneaky one.

Kristofferson and Ash.


Thursday, August 23, 2012


So my bestfriend Raina and I have bagillions of fofillions of inside jokes that we can hardly ever keep track of.  Therefore, some jokes slip in and out of.. 'style' almost.  One joke we had was called BirdBox. You see, one day we were outside for PE and Raina had seen a birdhouse and had called it a BirdBox on accident because she's a lunatic.  When I came home, I couldn't stop thinking and laughing about it.  My father was confused so I told him the joke and he didn't seen to get it.  That was back in 7th grade and we are now going into 10th grade.  Recently my father, always being late and out of 'style', decided that he would randomly pull the BirdBox joke out of nowhere along with a twist.  He would say
"You see that over there, yeah, that, THATS definitaly a BirdBox, fersher. BirdBox right there. You see it? Fersher. Yep."
And then he would BURST out laughing.  That joke hasn't been used in over two years.


Monday, August 20, 2012

When I was little...

...I always wanted one of those little treasure chests for lost teeth that they gave out in elementary school. Whenever another kid in my class lost a tooth, I felt a pang of jealousy that they got to choose which color treasure box they wanted.  I even had a dream once that I got one. Of course, when I woke up and realized that it didn't actually happen, I was heartbroken.  But don't worry, this story has a happy ending: I finally got a little purple treasure chest for the tooth I lost in third grade. :)


The Beginning

This is pretty much how we feel right now.  Writing a blog is harder than we thought.  We decided on making a blog together a few minutes ago after realizing Tumblr was a little too mainstream for our taste.  BlogSpot came to mind, and we thought it was much more professional-looking.  Even though we're just a couple of 15 year olds sitting in the middle of a light pink room with stuffed animals on the bed.

Roni + Raina