Monday, October 1, 2012

Finding the Humor in Mondays

Okay, so Roni's right, we haven't posted in a while, yadda yadda.  My excuse is AP World History.  Buuuut, let's get to this post and stop worrying about the past, eh?;)  

Well, today's Monday, and let's face it, it's pretty boring.  But I discovered a new little trick for the Monday blues: to find one funny thing each day that most people normally wouldn't see.  Since I had a particularly boring weekend and boring day, I gave myself the challenge of finding two things. Here they are!

1) I saw a couple walking in the hall, and the two were practically identical.  Creepy? Yes. Hilarious? Again, yes.

2) I saw a little boy chasing an older boy around the halls at my orchestra practice, and they also (weirdly enough) looked like twins, too. 

So there ya go!:)


P.S. I've noticed that my posts are more picture-y than Roni's, which means more exciting.  Muahahaha >:D

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